Monday, May 30, 2005

Change Is Coming

Well, I've decided that I can't really talk about bikes and bike commuting all the time. Boring. Though I did have a great weekend riding along the southern edge of the Mississippi River, from Harriet Island in St. Paul, through Lilydale, across the Mendota Bridge, past Fort Snelling, and back across the Mississippi River, then back home. I actually did that twice, and the trail along the Mississippi River is fantastic, though the climb up the High Bridge in St. Paul is daunting, as is the climb up Ohio Street and Cherokee Avenue on the way back. Seems lots of cyclists are using the bridge and Ohio Street to do hill work.

But I digress. I'm going to mix things up a bit. As promised, I'm going to start writing 'Ask the Amateur,' with the first one coming up tomorrow. I'll also reach into my bag occasionally for the things I collect over the course of each week, and will call that 'The Messenger's Bag.' Who knows what I'll dig up and dish out (lately it's been some hilarious '419' e-mails I've gotten). Finally, I'll pipe in on politics once a week in what I'll call 'On Your Left,' with an obvious leftist slant. These will be weekly deals, with plenty of biking news and personal biking observations filling in the rest. So, stay tuned.


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