Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Dorks and Winners All Around

I was biking to my son's T-Ball game this past week. I'm actually one of the coaches of the team, called the Nighthawks, and I wear a bright baby blue shirt with COACH spelled out in huge letters on the back. I'm sure it looks stylish from behind as I ride the bike. Anyway, out of the blue I spotted another BikeTown bike winner about to enter the Midtown Greenway. The bikes that we all won are unique--with Penn Cycle emblazoned on the chain guard--so I knew he was one of us. Like a dork, I pedalled as fast as I could toward the poor guy and yelled "Hey!" He didn't apparently hear me--or thought I was some sort of thug who wears a safety helmet--so I kept pedalling toward him and again yelled "Hey!" I got his attention and then blurted out "Whoa, did you win that bike?" The guy--a small and now confused man who I am not convinced spoke English--answered "Uhh, yeah." Well, what could I say then? I just stood up on my pedals to turn around, licked my lips, stuck out my chest and said, like a little kid "That's so cool. I won mine too." I'd like to say we then had an instant and permanent loving bond, but when I looked back he was coasting down the hill to hurry on the Greenway.

Which reminds me that I should post a picture of the bike in the next blog (and also tell you about the discovery that UJ has made concerning an impostor biketown!).


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