Saturday, August 06, 2005

Running Craze Taking Over

Part of the deal with the biking powers is to track how much weight, if any, I lose as a result of riding my bike around. But that's problematic when I'm simultaneously training for a marathon. I've actually lost about 15-20 pounds in the last few months, but that has been accelerated by all the biking. I'm guessing it's responsible for 5 of the pounds, 6 tops. That's what I'll report.

Now, talk about insane. Ugly Juice and her friend Tonya roped me into a 15 mile run tomorrow morning at 4:30 a.m. Yeah, 4:30. Apparently this is something of a regular deal with them, and they rope other people in as well. The only reason I'm going is that I will already have been up and have biked 42 miles, plus they are promising me all-you-can-eat banana and orange GU. Who could refuse? I am disappointed they did not get the new flavor, Espresso Love, in honor of my caffeine addiction and mad dating skills.


Blogger Ugly Juice said...

Ah, I'm sorry I didn't get Espresso Love for you. I didn't know you had suddenly started UPDATING YOUR BLOG EVERY DAY so that now I can actually come here for timely news and information otherwise I would have checked to see what kind you prefer.

12:05 AM  

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