Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Cue Up That Dylan Song

It turns out that I haven't kept folks up to speed on my job and life. First, I accepted the job offer I mentioned earlier, and on September 20 I'm joining a small law firm. It's in Edina, and I'll be the fifth attorney in the firm. I'll do mostly civil litigation work--suing people or defending people who are being sued. It will be a huge change for me, but one that intuitively feels right. I've sent out a letter to all the supporters of my little nonprofit organization, and folks have been super kind in wishing me all the best. I'm actually going to hang on for a bit as the unpaid Executive Director until we have new leadership in place.

I'm also well along with dating, and if you can put two and three together you've figured out I'm dating a woman who lives in Northfield, Minnesota. She teaches at one of the colleges there, drives a Volvo, cooks a mean meal, and speaks Italian. Anyway, despite all the razzing I get from my dating advisor, I've managed to stay out of dorkville these days. Though I haven't told my advisor that my professor friend is, well, now my girlfriend. Yeah, we managed to get over the status of 'just dating' and enter the realm of girlfriend-boyfriend. And, despite what anyone ever says, there is little maturity in dating--it's just like it was back in high school, with one important exception: you can more readily laugh at how stupid you feel and how funny the whole business is.


Blogger Duf said...

Best. Post. Ever!

2:12 PM  
Blogger Ugly Juice said...

Listen, Greg, obviously I'm happy with all your success in your dating life and otherwise. But I can't allow you to claim you're staying out of dorkville. You are mowing her lawn, for Pete's sake. And you've had two dates where you just read the NY Times. You pull the dorkiest shenanigans I've ever heard of and try to pass them off as "dating." It embarrasses my sensibilities and makes me feel like I'm not doing my job.

10:48 PM  

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