Monday, October 03, 2005


I finished, but not with a flourish. It was a struggle for the last five miles or so and, despite visioning my trash-talking the Kenyans in Swahili as I won the marathon, I didn't come close to my personal best. Oh, well. I ran with my friend Stacy for the first ten miles, then we got separated when I stopped to hug and kiss Max and to show off. He gave me some Gu. I thought I was then ahead of Stacy (she also stopped to use the Porta-Potty). When I finished, I waited around for her to finish as well, never seeing her. Turns out she kicked my butt by almost 8 minutes, a personal best for her.

Ugly Juice ran with me for about 200 yards or so at mile 14, when I still looked good and fresh. She was waiting for Tonya--we were the threesome that did the insane 4:30 a.m. run a while back.

My legs are typical for post-marathon soreness and, despite my struggle, I'm itching to do another one.


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