Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Yeesh. Ugly Juice reminded me I had not updated the ol' biketown blog for two weeks. I've been busy doing my field work for my dissertation. You see, I'm a budding anthropologist, stationed in Edina, Minnesota, doing anthropological field work on the heirarchical dynamics of a white male dominated law firm. I fit in somewhat roughly in the heirarchical structure but differ greatly in many respects.

I'm a white male, which is the predominant tribal affiliation in this region. I differ from the other white male attorneys in significant ways. For instance, I don't have any particular allegiance to an odd and somewhate secretive civic-oriented group of individuals known as Rotarians. I do not know yet if it is an offshoot of Romanians, Rosarians, or perhaps Rastafarians. More study is needed, but I am told that the Rotarians adhere to reciting the American Pledge of Allegiance at all Rotary meetings. I also do not readily understand or participate in a quasi-social and role-playing combat exercise where individuals track a small white bomb known as a "fore" and simultaneously compete in carrying long bags that transport their select weaponry known as clubs. Those are the primary traits of the male attorney workers I am observing. In order to do authentic observations from as an objective perspective as possible, I am participating in some aspects of this suburban milieu. I meet with the individuals known as "clients" and have become adept at offering coffee, talking about the phenomena of time value of money (I believe I have that term right), and chit-chatting 'small talk' with secretarial staff, all of whom follow a traditional suburban trait of being white and female. There are some interesting tribal issues at play here, I am sure, but I have yet to break into the inner circle of these workers to determine just who maintains tribal affiliations and loyalties and how those affiliations are formed.

More later as I continue my studies.


Blogger Duf said...

As you observe them, be careful to establish trust before you touch them. Make sure your initial gestures are non-threatening, and pay deference to the alpha male.

But as one who has seen you golf. I like your potential there.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Ugly Juice said...

I'm interested in the habitat of these creatures. Is it true that only the males are allowed to see daylight, while the females are clumped together in the interior quarters away from windows and fresh air?

4:14 PM  
Blogger greg said...

You both ask precise and insightful questions. Duf, yes, I am careful about touching. Indeed, one of my "cases"--which I believe is the name for the many large piles of paper and folders that we scatter around the work arena--involves ani individual touching another in a similar work environment, resulting in extreme mental anguish, suffering, and loss of consortium. I do not know if it resulted in any loss of bowels or similar physical reactions, but I would not want to cause such distress in anyone.

And, UJ, the habitat is intriguing, but equality apparently demands that all workers be denied fresh air. I do, however, have an optional door to my work arena, as do the other male attorneys, who close themselves into isolation at times and wear tight fitting silken banners around their necks that apparently involve some choking off of the indoor air. The female workers, however, do not wear these banners and work in a more open, airy and less isolating environment. While I believe the male attorneys are atop the heirarchical structure here, I am confused by the obvious and exclusive perks given to the female workers.

8:38 PM  

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