Sunday, November 06, 2005

Hopping Mad

Oh, man, I'm hopping mad and have done what all hopping mad people do: create a hopping mad blog. As I've disclosed before, I used an online dating service to begin my initiation into dating after an absence from the dating scene of some 17 years. I used the ever-present and hugely successful, paying $29.99 for the one month trial period. Turns out that the one month trial period is actually a perpetually renewing month to month subscription, at a tune of $29.99 per month. So, I've now been charged nearly $90.00 in the last three months, all for a service I thought expired and for which I had no need to use. Same went for the person I ended up dating--she was unknowingly charged for an additional three month period. We only found out by discovering the charges on our credit card statements.

What did I do? Well, I've already written demands and now I have completed a Complaint to the Attorney General's office. And, I created the one and only matchdeceives blog.

So there.


Blogger Ugly Juice said...

It would be nice if you could submit a "bullshit bill" to companies that send you through that rigamarole. In the end it always takes up more time than it's worth.

4:07 PM  
Blogger Duf said...

UJ is wrong - fight the power!

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell many blogs do you have, anyway, dude? I ran across four I think before I just gave up counting.

Anyway -- and this has nothing to do with your battle against the evil, but it's the latest post, so only place for it, really -- in honor of your approaching birthday, I thought I'd share with your other blog readers images from the way-back machine, when Greg was a pup of 17 or 18, the world was dewy with promise, and people didn't have blogs, so they played board games. And even made them up.

Seriously, I was organizing some old, old personal memorabilia stuff this weekend and these were among the pictures I still keep around. And I was thinking that this (it's now Nov 14, 2005, on the East Coast) is possibly your last day in your 30s -- Tuesday it's middle age, right? Or am I a year too early? Regardless, it seems to warrant a walk down memory lane. (I have to say: you sound like the healthiest guy to be reaching 40 I've heard of in a long while, with all that running, biking, and vegetarianism.)

Happy birthday to us, G. I hope yours kicks off the best year you've yet known.

11:22 PM  

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