When I Fight Authority
Typically, authority always wins. It's a theme going back to high school, when I wanted to exit from our graduation ceremony with the Beatles "When I'm 64" playing. Big kebash on that one, even though I was, ahem, president of my class and, like all good adolescents with a cause, made a stink about it. But, all that aside, I've got big news. Remember how I griped about Match.com and its 'automatic renewal' policy, whereby they basically got $90.00 more bucks out of me for 'renewing' my subscription automatically each month for three months? Well, I complained to the Minnesota Attorney General's office and, yadda yadda yadda, after a few letters and all, Match has agreed to refund my money. This despite their 'zero refund' policy. I've also been contacted by other folks about the practice and they are interested in pursuing it. Woo hoo!
Excellent! And, I eat my naysaying words. Ketchup, anyone?
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