I've been on the bike a total of 0 days since mid-July. I hope Bicycling Magazine is not reading this, as they may take the bike away.
But I have excuses, good excuses. Like I've been dating, finding housemates, and looking for a job. All is going well and in different degrees. Take the dating. I've been on two dates so far. The first was nice but there was no chemistry, which is code for I wasn't that attracted to her. Hey, I'm being honest. The second was last night with a very nice, smart and attractive woman. We had fun on an All-American Date. But, man, am I a complete dork. Dinner was cool and we had a great conversation. Then we went for a walk along the Mississippi. Toward the end of our walk, I suggested that she should get home (she lives about 50 miles away from the Twin Cities) because it's "getting late and getting dark." Yeah, like 9:15. Dufus. Did I recover? Nope. I followed that brilliance with my saying "yeah, I'm a worrier about travel at night." What a moron. God, can I be any more of a complete ass? I barely recovered and said or mumbled something or maybe I didn't say anything, but it could have been"or we could get a beer or something." She suggested ice cream and
Izzy's was not far away, so off we went to get ice cream and listen to music in her car through her iPod. Yeah, we went parking on our first date.
I withheld the driving-home-in-the-dark story to my dating advisor, who is supplying me with tips and encouragement. My advisor will remain confidential, but suffice it to say that she is young and super hip and dishes out great advice. But she doesn't have much to work with at times. For instance, and to continue the theme of boy as dork, I suggested a second date toward the end of last night. What was the proposed date? Going to a coffee shop in her town and reading the Sunday New York Times. My advisor's reaction was, well, fairly predictable, like "You f---ing moron. God, what are you, an old couple already ten years into the marriage, hanging out and just reading the paper on a Sunday morning? Jesus, what are you going to do next, mow her yard?"
I'm in damage control mode now. We'll see if we can save me from myself.